Tools & Tutorials
PixInsight Modules and Scripts
Photoshop Plug-ins
Legacy Tutorials
The following tutorials were written between 2009 and 2012, most of them using the PixInsight version available at the moment. Many of the solutions covered by these tutorials can now be addressed better and/or easier by new, different tools. That said, knowing the different techniques described here can be very useful, not only for addressing the problems for which they were written, but also when tackling new processing challenges.
- Star size reduction via Morphological Transformation in PixInsight
- HDR Composition for astronomical images
- HDR Composition with PixInsight
- Removing gradients while preserving very faint background details
- Multi-scale Processing – Revealing very faint stuff
- Luminance Processing – Making the IFN pop
- Formulas for Photoshop blending modes
- FSQ106 ED/EDX + Extender Q + STL “HowTo”